Does my ring need service?
Does my ring need service?
The engagement ring experience does not stop at the purchase level. There is also the service side. Every ring will eventually need service. It could be sizing, stone tighten, refinishing or repair damage. Fortunately, Whitehouse Brothers mountings are made using the die struck method. The process creates a ring that is far more durable than a traditional cast ring. Our rings require far less service than any other product available.
Online retailers like James Allen, Blue Nile, Rare Carat, etc. are online marketers and marketplaces. They take your order and fulfill it. Chances are the product will be drop shipped from one of their suppliers similar in structure to Amazon. They will never see your engagement ring or wedding band. They will not inspect the quality. They really have no idea what they sold to you other than an SKU on a computer screen. The problem lies in the service end. Who is responsible? What happens in 20 years? Chances are you are out of luck.
At Whitehouse Brothers, we are here when you need service. We have been continuously operating for 125 years creating fine vintage and filigree designs. We know your ring very well, right down the smallest details. When your ring needs service we know exactly how to perform any work and return the ring is like new condition. We receive rings that were produced by our company over 100 years ago and can still offer high quality service to those in need.
As you begin your search for an engagement ring, don't forget the after purchase experience. You are establishing a relationship with a company who should provide you with a quality product and service for years to come. This is part of the value that Whitehouse Brothers offers to every customer.